Packing Guide

Learn How to Pack Lawnmowers & Lawn Tools

The following items will be needed to secure your lawnmowers and lawn tools for moving:
  • Tape or rope.
  • Safe storage containers for hazardous materials.

  1. Clean all lawn tools and equipment with water. Be sure to remove all grass and debris underneath your lawnmower.

  2. Drain gas and oil out of lawnmower into safe storage containers. Contact your local recycling company or Environmental Protection Agency for more information on disposing of gas and oil. MAKE SURE THAT YOUR CHILDREN WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OPEN THE GAS AND OIL STORAGE CONTAINERS! These are probably items you can not pack, because they are flammable items.

  3. Tape or tie all garden tools together. Pack the smaller tools and/or lawn items in a box.

  4. Drain your garden hose, roll it, and put it a box.