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Moving Tips
Moving into a Dorm: Tips and Advice
Getting Along with Your College Dorm Roommate
How to Move Your Home Office
How to Find An Off-Campus Apartment
Moving to Another State: What You Need to Know
Moving to Another State: What to Consider
Tips for Moving During the Winter
Moving to a Major City from the Country: Adjustment Tips
Moving from the City to the Country: Tips and Advice
Moving in with a New Boyfriend/Girlfriend: What Items Should You Combine?
Moving Away From Home: How to Settle Into Your New Town
Senior Move: Downsizing to a Smaller Home
Moving During the Holidays
Tips to Help Seniors Settle In
Tips for Moving During the Winter
Maria Paulia Belgado
Special to
If you ask any
moving company
, they’ll tell you that summer is their peak season. Many people prefer to move during the summer, as the weather is nicer and usually this means the kids are off from school and their studies won’t be interrupted. However,
in the winter has its advantages. For one thing, you may be able to get a better deal from
because business is slow. You’ll also get the best moving people, because most of the people who work in the winter are regular, experienced employees, and not temps or college students brought in for the rush. If you do decide to move in the winter months, here are some tips to help ensure the process goes smoothly.
Keep the Walkways and Driveways Clear.
In case of heavy snow, get your walkways and driveways plowed and shoveled, so that there’s not trouble getting the vans in and getting your stuff out. This will save you time and prevent injuries from people slipping on the snow. Don’t forget to have this done at your destination as well. Don’t forget to sand the walkways to prevent slippage.
Don’t Pack Liquids.
When liquids freeze, they tend to expand and might break out of their containers. Don’t forget to drain out any liquids from appliances or other items and whatever else you really need, keep with you in the car.
Anticipate the Time
. Moving when it’s cold takes extra time. Plan accordingly and start as early as you can in the morning, because you’ll need a little extra time. You should also set up a
moving checklist
so that you can outline the steps of this process.
Be flexible.
If you are moving in the winter, be aware that you may get caught in a snowstorm. While you can’t predict when a storm will come, ask your moving company what their plan B is, and what fees you’ll incur if the move has to be canceled. If you ask ahead of time, maybe you can negotiate for a discounted rescheduling fee since business is slow and they might not have any other moves scheduled anyway.
Ask About Climate-Controlled Trucks.
You may have items that can be affected by extreme temperature. You don’t want Grandma’s antique hope chest or your imported
china and crystals
to crack when exposed to the harsh cold, so ask about climate-controlled vehicles. This may save you're the trouble of having to replace you stuff (if they’re replaceable at all.) With these winter moving tips, you’re sure to have a safe and easy winter move.