By Kelly Smith
Special to
You did it; you've found the home of your dreams. But before moving day, you will have to have your dream home inspected by a home inspector who will check its foundation, faucets and inevitability what needs to be repaired. A good home inspector will catch critical home improvement issues that you need to rectify before you move in.
What your home inspector is looking for:
• Foundation problems are crucial because they affect other areas in your home. For example, doors and windows will fail to open and close properly; drywall will crack and separate along seams. Figure out fixes for this area if it's a problem.
• Your roof may have leaks that you didn't notice because the incoming water evaporates before it makes it through your ceiling. This can still pose health issues because of mold and mildew. The shingles may be on their last leg; if so, it's best to re-roof before leaks become an issue.
• Your basement can also be a source of mold and mildew. Any leaks from hydrostatic pressure or cracks must be repaired, and cleanup undertaken.
Safety and Environmental Repairs:
• Radon is a radioactive gas resulting from the breakdown of uranium in the soil and water. Just get a short-term test kit from your local home improvement store, and send it to the lab for analysis. If the number is bad, repairs should be taken to lower it.
• A simple test for you involves going through the home and do a smoke alarm inventory. There should be one in each room and in hallways. For ones that are there, replace the batteries, and test them every month.
• Install a fire extinguisher in any room where there's a risk. This includes, at a minimum, the kitchen, the garage, workshops and on the deck if you have a grill.
• After you've done the necessities, gather the family together and compile a list of the necessary repairs. Tackle the large ones first and consider hiring a professional contractor, plumber or designer to complete the job.
Once the repairs are done you will have the peace of mind to know that your new home is