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Packing Guide
Pack and Go
What are Some Packing Essentials for Moving?
Where to Get Rid of Your Junk Before Moving Day
What is the Best Way to Pack Clothing for Moving?
Packing Advice When Moving into an Apartment
How to Develop a Packing Plan
How to Safely Pack Your Furniture for a Move
Learn how to pack
10 minute packing guide
How to Develop a Packing Plan
Items not to pack
How to Pack Up Your Moving Van and Storage Unit
Pack and Go
Are you planning on
houses? Indeed, one of the hardest thing to do when moving is to actually get started. Sandee Payne, the author of “Move Your House” and an expert in
moving services
has these tips to share.
Work on one room at a time. To pack a house full of things is overwhelming so do not complicate the task even more. It is important to stay focus. Deal with the room you are standing in.
Before you start to pack, ask yourself if everything has to go with you when you move? Go over your things and dispose of whatever you no longer need. Decide on things that will go with you when you move and the things that will need to stay or be thrown to the garbage bin. It is simpler that way.
Keep your comfort items like your stereo. This will give you motivation while
While inspecting your things, check out if you have a lot of small items you will bring along. Pack them together. Put it in a clear plastic closable bag. Do not do not forget to label them.
Do your laundry before the move. You do not want to spend the first night on your new home washing
Observing how your groceries are packed will help you during these times. Put in the bigger and heavier items first while the lighter ones are packed last and on top. You can also make use of the spaces inside the larger pieces of furniture. The drawers and the shelves will surely come in handy. Keeping the breakables inside those spaces is also a way to protect them.
Pack your TV
last. This will keep your children occupied while you are busy packing everything else.
Pack your legal documents but make sure you hand carry it. There are some documents that are so hard to get copies of such as car titles, insurance policies and marriage certificates. Make sure to make copies of these documents just in case they are lost.
Your trash does not need to move house with you. Throw them before you leave your old house.
Your luggages should be kept until you really need it. There is a possibility that it gets packed with the other boxes even if you do not want it packed just yet.
Here are more tips you can use during your packing. Use newsprints only to fill the empty spaces. Do not use it to wrap items. You do not want to see your items covered with ink when you start unpacking. It is also easier to throw away news prints.