Your Essential Moving Day Kit

Are you ready for your move? Are the boxes all packed, the floors swept and the kids waiting in the car? Wait, do you have a moving day kit with you?

When you move out of your new home into your new home, there are some things you’ll need with you for your moving day. These should contain the items you need most, which you should keep with you while you move. While the things may vary depending on your situation, you should remember a few key items. Here are some of the things you should have in your moving day kit.

Important Papers:
You should definitely have your personal papers with you at all times (like birth certificates, passports, social security cards) and not in the moving truck, but there are moving-related documents you should keep handy, just in case. You should have your rental agreement or deed with you when you move in, as well as your contract with your long distance moving companies. If you’re switching banks, you should also have all your deposit slips, checks and other financial records with you as well.

A First Aid Kit:
You never know what will happen on moving day, so you should have a well-stocked first aid kit in case you or your kids have a mishap. Your first aid kit should include a topical antibiotic, alcohol wipes, band aids, bandages, as well as common medicines to cure headaches, tummy aches and even motion sickness.

Additional Moving Supplies:
Perhaps in the flurry of all the activity when moving, you forgot a few things like the stuff in your medicine cabinet or even your refrigerator. Make sure you have an extra box, some tape and scissors around so you can quickly pack up these things.

First Night Essentials:
In many cases, you may reach your new home before the rest of your things arrive. So, think about that you’ll need during your first night. You’ll need a change of clothes first, and maybe some toiletries like your toothbrush, shampoo, soap, towels etc.

Also, what about food? If you don’t have any pots and pans or spices too cook with, what are you going to do? You could go out to eat or order in, but if you’re not familiar with your new neighborhood, you may not know where to go or who to call. Besides, if you’ll be without your kitchen stuff for a few days, it would be expensive, not to mention unhealthy to eat out for every night. So, make sure you have some cooking and eating essentials, like a pot, a frying pan, wooden spoons, spatula plus serving and dining ware. You can always go to a supermarket for ingredients, but you can also take some oil and spices along with you.

What else do you need for your moving kit? It really depends on you. Try to walk through your moving day mentally before your move so you can anticipate any needs you’ll have.