Located right on the Long Island Sound, Norwalk, Connecticut is a beautiful city with a low crime rate. Anyone thinking of moving to Norwalk will find a city that is proud of its history and looking forward to its future.
The median household income in Norwalk is higher than the state average. Norwalk does have a high cost of living. Unemployment is currently 7.6 percent. Norwalk has a very good mix of business and industry. Top employers include Arch Chemicals, Applera Corporation, Xerox, Affinion Group, Emcor Group, IMS Health, priceline.com, Kayak.com, and Virgin Atlantic Airways. With all of these exciting employment opportunities, it's no wonder why so many Norwalk long distance movers are so busy.
The land encompassing Norwalk was purchased in 1640 by Roger Ludlow for 10 mirrors, 10 scissors, 10 hatchets, 10 knives, 10 coats, 10 jewsharps, 10 hoes and some wampum. For this he got all the land between the Norwalk and the Saugatuck Rivers and a day's walk north from the ocean. During the French and Indian War, the song ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy' was written by British soldiers about soldiers from Norwalk because they did not have uniforms. In 1779 the city was almost completely destroyed by British forces. Later, residents were given land in Ohio to compensate them for their loss and this eventually became the city of Norwalk Ohio. In 1800, goods made in Norwalk were transported to other areas by steamboat. Oyster farming became the major industry in Norwalk in the 1800s. In 1880, Norwalk had the largest fleet of steam powered oyster boats in the world. This industry peaked in the early 1900s. The railroad arrived in 1849, making it easier for people and goods to be transported. Norwalk was incorporated in 1913.
Built in 1869, the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum is a 62 room mansion that can be toured. The Mill Hill Historic Park and Museum is a collection of historic buildings that you can tour during the summer. The Sheffield Island Lighthouse can be toured seasonally. The Norwalk Oyster Festival is held after Labor Day. The Round Hill Highland Scottish Games are held around the 4th of July. There is a boat show in late September. Norwalk Harbor Splash is held each June, with food, music and events. The SoNo Arts Celebration is held in August and features all types of music. Heritage Park features a fishing pier, a boardwalk, art and a museum. The Maritime Aquarium is devoted to Long Island Sound. There are also all types of outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, camping, fishing and golf.